
Showing posts from March, 2016

Predicting the Major Marketing Trends of 2016 (Infographic)

Predicting the Major Marketing Trends of 2016 (Infographic) Column Five  Media  has partnered with Microsoft to  reveal  the marketing trends it expects to see in 2016. An infographic highlights key technologies which will likely be popular next year, including the Oculus Rift and HoloLens, as well as wearable tech devices and more. Microsoft expects to see new and improved search engines integrated into social networks, so users can find more content in less time. The infographic also highlights services including  Periscope  and  Snapchat , which can be used to reach consumers in real time. According to the infographic, content marketing is 62 percent cheaper per lead than traditional outbound marketing, with Microsoft encouraging companies to focus on marketing channels which deliver the highest results. The infographic encourages companies to do three things to connect with consumers: be transparent, reward users for good behavior and display greater meaning. As examples, 58 percen

Effective Strategies for Increasing E-Commerce Conversions

Effective Strategies for Increasing E-Commerce Conversions While the last quarter of the year may be the season for  ecommerce shopping , it’s important to have a sound strategy year round. An infographic from digital agency  Data Dial  provides a wealth of  psychological tips  for improving your ecommerce strategy and related outcomes. Social signals are a powerful tool for engaging users and increasing conversion rates. Reviews are powerful social signals that can leave a lasting impact, as can social media recommendations from friends. Presenting a few negative reviews can also engender trust in your brand, especially if users can see a communication chain between brand and customer that ends well. Users love bargains, so pricing decisions are important. Numerical figures tend to get a better response than lettered pricing, and displaying the savings to the customer as they are shopping can improve conversion rates. Don’t leave prices eternally static, and be sure to offer customers

The Average Daily Life of an Android App User

The Average Daily Life of an Android App User Data analytics company SimilarWeb has  released  new data revealing the daily app usage of the average Android device user in the U.S. The company determined the usage of leading apps in the United States from June to November 2015, and found the peak time for each app’s usage, as well as the  number of users  with each app installed who are using an app during its peak hour. The data showed The Holy Bible app and Weatherbug have their peaks at 7 a.m., with 16.5 percent and 6.8 percent of users with the apps installed using them during this time, respectively. An hour later, apps like Starbucks and The New York Times see their peak usage, with 9.1 percent and 8.4 percent of installed users engaging with these apps in the 8 a.m. hour, respectively. As the day moves on, the Gmail and Bank of America apps peak at 11 a.m., Slack and MyFitnessPal peak at noon and Wikipedia and LinkedIn peak at 1 p.m. Apps including Uber and Spotify were found to

Why This Platform? Understanding How Brands And Users Connect On Social Media

Why This Platform? Understanding How Brands And Users Connect On Social Media Every social media platform excels at a different function - you don’t post video to the  same platform as  you post quick information updates - but businesses often fail to approach social media strategy in a uniform way. Luckily,  Smart Paper Help’s recent infographic  on both business and user engagement offers some insight into where to angle social media strategies. This is a great infographic to reference before your business launches a campaign. Where Influencers Belong Influencer marketing is a strategy that allows you to present a post or video from someone with an established following in an attempt to  convert some of their users . But of course, it doesn’t make much sense to try to build these connections on low impact sites - Smart Paper Help’s infographic indicates that Google + users only spend about 7 minutes a month on the site. That isn’t worthwhile impact. Instead, you want to put your infl

Ultimate SocialMedia Cheat Sheet For Perfectly Sized Images In 2016

Ultimate SocialMedia Cheat Sheet For Perfectly Sized Images In 2016 Social media  is a novice giant and one that is constantly evolving. As difficult as it is to keep up with its latest trends, it is equally vital to know the technical details behind those changes so that you can extract the maximum from them. Review reporting on social media trends has very aptly revealed that visual posts which contain an image are far  more likely to get noticed  than those without any. The visual form is a proven method to grab eyeballs. The human brain is easily distracted and it takes something to stand out amidst the sea of content that is available on the internet. Images, memes, creative digital art and various other formats of showcasing your product/idea are now available at your disposal and not using them for upping your business quotient would be suicide. In order to do so, you need to know the what dimensions and pixels of images are best suited for which platform. If these minor technic

B2B Marketing 2016 5 Digital Must-Dos

B2B Marketing 2016 5 Digital Must-Dos B2B marketers  are faced with many options when it comes to  digital channels . Websites, search, social media, Big Data, content creation, app development, and software suites are just some of the essential areas that marketers have been allocating their budgets towards to build successful campaigns. If you’re part of a B2B company that plans to devote more dollars to digital in 2016, you’re in good company. Some 98 percent of B2B companies plan to increase their investment in digital for the coming year. Where this additional budget is coming from is fairly clear: B2B marketers say they’re spending less money on traditional channels such as brochures and billboards. However, where the spend is going isn’t as easy to pin down. As the digital marketing landscape expands, how do marketers know which new channels will enhance their current B2B strategies? In  MDG Advertising 's latest infographic, " B2B Marketing 2016: 5 Digital Must-Dos ,&q

7 Tips to Attract the Right Social Media Followers

7 Tips to Attract the Right Social Media Followers It’s always a great feeling when you see that the number of people  following  you on social media. It shows that people are interested in what you have to say, and want to see more. Unfortunately, not all followers are equal. You don’t benefit when somebody simply reads your content and then takes no action. This is why attracting the right followers is much more important than simply getting any and everybody in your social media pages. You want followers who will potentially purchase your products and services, share content, participate in conversations, and answer your calls to action. The trick is knowing how to attract them. Identify Your Target Personas You already know that your target personas are the people who are most likely to  buy your products  and services. However, knowing that is not enough. You have to divide them into demographic groups, and also  learn about their online behaviors , what they care about, what thei

7 Tips That All High-Level Business Leaders Implement

7 Tips That All High-Level Business Leaders Implement Entrepreneurs . . . we are strange folk, strange in the sense that we gladly wear many hats.  Of course , this is what we must do in order to make a new  company successful . Yet far too often, some business leaders spread themselves too thin as they attempt to do too much, too soon. To help with the processes of being both a successful and sane entrepreneur, here are seven tips that all high-level business leaders implement in their lives. Be the Leader What makes a company great is the person at the helm: the entrepreneur. A great entrepreneur is often able to turn any product into a success company. Entrepreneurs are not afraid to take a leap into the unknown and start something that has never been created before. These visionaries are  remarkably brave and don't look to market research or evidence to tell them what is possible. As innovators, they often follow their instincts. Entrepreneurs look forward and consider the long

Crafting A Perfect ‘About Me’ Page

Crafting A Perfect ‘About Me’ Page Are you ignoring one of the top 10 most popular pages on your site? If you haven’t updated your about me page in the  past year , then  the answer is yes . ...You’re probably asking yourself, so what if I don’t update my about me page? I’ve taken care of my home page, my sales page, and my articles. The fact is, people who visit your ‘About Me’ page are coming to it from a different source than those who only visit your home page. People who visit your about me page most likely have seen your name mentioned somewhere on the net: A post you shared on Facebook, a comment you left on a website or a tweet you just sent. i.e. these are “warm leads” They already know about you, and are intrigued in what you have to offer, and this is your opportunity to sell them. With this in mind, checkout the  About Me Page: The Ultimate How to Guide  and the accompanying infographic. SOURCE :

7 Tips for Improving Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

7 Tips for Improving Your Social Media Marketing Strategy If you are like most  business owners , CMOs, or content strategists, you sit down once a year or more frequently to design your social media strategy. The important question is, what are you doing during those planning sessions. Are you simply renewing the previous  strategy  and possibly adding some new social media marketing technology ? Are you simply doubling your efforts in hopes that more is better? A solid content marketing strategy is gold. It provides the framework for your social media efforts, leaves room for improving those efforts, and provides a way to determine if the strategies applied are actually working. If your content marketing strategy is stale, ineffective, or incomplete, your social media campaigns will follow down the same path. To avoid this, check out these 7 tips for making your social media strategy better. Start With a Few Big Picture Goals Then Drill Down Into More Detailed Objectives Your overall

6 Hacks to Make Your Instagram Advertising Work for You

6 Hacks to Make Your Instagram Advertising Work for You Maybe you are a  beginner to Instagram . Or, maybe you have not figured out how it can really help grow your business. Relax. You have lots of  company . While Instagram grows exponentially, there are still business owners who do not see it as a platform for marketing. After all, how can you advertise with just pictures and a few words? Actually, pictures and a few words can turn into a huge following, and that following can be drawn to your website. And on your website, you can have things of value to offer visitors, in exchange for an email address. So, exactly what are the quick and easy hacks to get yourself out there? Well, here are 6 of them. Figure Out Your Audience “Persona” If you are involved in content marketing via a blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. you have already developed the persona of your target audience . You know who your customer is. Now, your job is to figure out what types of images and words will appeal to th