Facebook Revamps the Birthday E-Card for Stories in an Attempt to Make Story Feature More Creative

Facebook Revamps the Birthday E-Card for Stories in an Attempt to Make Story Feature More Creative

When was the last time you missed a friend’s birthday or forgot about it? Remembering birthday has now become old school, most of the people simply get Facebook notifications when they have a friend’s birthday. Just like the notification of any other change on Facebook, the user receives a notification about the birthday of a friend and with just one click/tap he can write something on the wall or message him in private. However, with the recent birthday e-card, the Facebook team has tried adding spice to the boring birthday messages that most of the people were using.

As recently, Facebook has replicated the daily Story idea of Snapchat on Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. They have thought of a very productive use of these Stories that all the other social media networks have yet not used before. Where this might come as a shock for most users because Facebook has completely been missing out on the creative dose and seem to replicate everything that has worked out on other social media networking websites, for the first time they have made a creative use of the already present daily story features.

"We’re launching birthday stories globally — a way for friends, family and everyone in your community to add digital birthday cards, photos or videos to a story celebrating your big day.", announced Jehan Damji, Facebook's Product Manager.
With the help of the newly introduced birthday e-card on the story feature, users will be able to make customize birthday cards for their friends on Facebook. To customize, users can attach attractive stickers, select the color, add photos, video or written note and then to make it more attractive they can also add a sound sticker. These cards will be visible on the story which means that they will automatically disappear within 24 hours. Just like privacy setting on other posts and comments, the recipient will have complete control over the audience. He can simply select who can see this e-card on the daily story, this features resembles the mixed-media slideshow but with the complete customization option.

To customize and design the birthday e-card, Facebook has given creative license where options are endless for the users. While designing the card, clickable stickers, videos, photos, and music stickers can be used to add a personal touch. These features have been launched worldwide and Facebook has especially; launched a promo in the US for introducing this feature. To publish it better, Facebook has now improved its publicity game and collaborated with various bakeries across the countries for free give away treats on May 10th- the launching day of the birthday e-card.

Source of the post : https://www.digitalinformationworld.com


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