Did you know Don’t be fooled by Instagram DM phishing scams, secure your account by turning on 2-factor authentication

Did you know Don’t be fooled by Instagram DM phishing scams, secure your account by turning on 2-factor authentication

From phishing emails to spam texts to secretive login attempts, the security of digital accounts has become much important now as it was never been. You should do every step to secure your accounts from hackers and blatant scams. Now the hackers are using sophisticated techniques to steal your important information including your passwords, usernames, credit card information, etc. As recently, hackers are trying to steal information through software updates on Android devices. Now the main problem is not every scam is so obvious that you can easily figure out what is happening to you. Therefore, Instagram tweeted out a word of warning about DMs which many people are receiving that is deemed to be from the company.

According to Instagram, some users are getting DMs that looks like these messages are from the company’s "Copyright Help Center", in which users have been informed that their posts has a violation of copyright, and consequently, the DM threaten the users for their account will shut down if they don’t provide the feedback on copyright issue that why this post does not infringe on any copyrights. Actually, this threat in DM does not give the user a choice of deleting the post, and a link is also attached at the bottom of the DM to a site that is not owned and controlled by Facebook.

Instagram warned its users in a tweet to keep your account safe from scams emails and DM that will look like they are from Instagram and actually that will not from the company. To confirm that whether the company has contacted you, you can go to setting, and if nothing here means that it’s not from the company. And you should turn on 2FA (Two Factor Authentication). Instagram does not DM you about the copyright violation and it also does not ask for personal information like your passwords etc. Instagram has also shown a video in a tweet that Instagram has a legitimate way to contact you and it will never send you DM and to check whether the company has sent you a message or not you can go to Settings>Security>Emails from Instagram.

Even if you think that you are safe and you have never received a DM, it is still suggested to turn on 2FA to keep your account safe. If you don’t know how to turn on 2FA, you can simply click the account icon in the bottom right corner of the screen and click on the 3-lines icon in the top right and then go to settings then security, and then you can turn on 2FA. You can also link your phone number. In this way, you can keep your account safe from scammers.


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