Did you know School Phone Ban Gains Support but Gen-Z Says It's a Step Too Far
According to a survey conducted among 2,000 American by Talker Research,
most respondents think that cell phones should be banned at school,
with 71% being in favor of it and 29% opposing it. Texas is going to
vote for a mobile phone ban in educational institutions because many
Americans are concerned that mobile phones are affecting the learning
and well-being of students. 54% of the respondents said that mobile
phones should be banned in elementary schools because young students
using phones is concerning. 49% said that mobile phones should be banned
in middle schools while 45% said that mobile phones should be
restricted in high schools.
This shows that many people are aware
that children of different ages have different mobile phone needs and
it is important to know how much mobile phone use is required in
educational institutions for the students to use it in educational
settings. A lot of respondents were on the same page about mobile phones
being a distraction for the youngest students and they do not even need
them in educational institutions.
54% of the respondents who have children going to school support a mobile phone ban for all students, while 40% of parents who have children in elementary schools support the ban at that level only. 39% of parents with children in middle school and 34% of parents with children in high schools support the mobile phone ban at respective levels. There were only 19% of parents who are in favor of a complete ban on smartphones in schools while 56% of the respondents are in favor of allowing mobile phone usage in specific settings and times in schools. 11% also said that mobile phone usage should be allowed for educational purposes in school hours while 8% also said that students should have unrestricted access to their mobile phones.
The survey also looked at technological ways to stop mobile phone usage and 54% were in favor of blocking cell phone signals during school hours, but 28% opposed it. People who are in opposition to the mobile phone ban in schools (58%) are mostly concerned about parent-child communication and this shows that mobile phones are also being seen as a safety tool by some people. 27% of the respondents said that children have a right to their devices while 13% are in favor of specific policies around mobile phone use in schools.