Did you know Chicago Ranks Worst for Mean Bosses, Food Industry Scores Highest in Workplace Rudeness

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Did you know Chicago Ranks Worst for Mean Bosses, Food Industry Scores Highest in Workplace Rudeness


Preply, a language training and corporate language training provider, conducted a study to find out which cities in America have the meanest bosses with mean language habits. They prepared a mean boss score from 0 to 100 and awarded the scores according to how harsh bosses are in different cities in the US. Chicago was awarded the city with the meanest bosses with a 97.09 score. Many of the residents of Chicago plan to leave their jobs so they don't have to get belittled and berated by their bosses.

Chicago is followed by Virginia Beach (92.85) and Las Vegas (92.62) as cities where bosses use a lot of harsh languages with their workers. Employees in Virginia Beach say that their bosses have raised their voices at them to the point of yelling, and most of it happens via phone. 2 in 5 workers in Las Vegas have said that their bosses humiliate them in front of others, while 1 in 4 workers describe their job as toxic. On the other hand, Wichita is described as the city with the kindest bosses. 1 in 2 workers in Wichita say that their bosses have never raised their voices at them. It is followed by Omaha and Philadelphia, and the cities with the nicest bosses.

The top industry with the meanest bosses is Food services, with a score of 99.47. It is followed by construction (90.48), manufacturing (70.96) and retail (68.89) industries. The study also found that people who are making less than $45,000 are more likely to experience a rude manager or boss. 1 in 9 Americans say that their bosses are frequently rude to them, with Gen-Z experiencing the most rudeness.

37.15% of workers in America said that their bosses are too blunt, while 26.29% find their bosses to be too critical. Workers also describe their bosses as sarcastic (25.58%), aggressive (14.92%), and demeaning (12.33%). 1 in 4 workers in America are planning to quit their jobs to get away from mean bosses.

Take a look at the infographics below for more insights: 


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Mohamed Elarby

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