Did you know Google's AI Overviews Impact Clickthrough Rates, Decreasing Desktop CTR for Informational Queries in Q4 2024

Did you know Google's AI Overviews Impact Clickthrough Rates, Decreasing Desktop CTR for Informational Queries in Q4 2024


According to a new study by Advanced Web Ranking, AI Overviews appear in 42.51% search results in Q4 2024, which is an increase of 8.83% from the prior quarter. This means that clickthrough-rate on informational queries dropped a lot. Websites which appeared in the top four positions for searches with what, where, how and when saw a 7.31% decrease in desktop clickthrough rates. The author of the study, Dan Popa, says that AI Overviews are impacting organic clicks a lot because AI-generated summaries are dominating informational queries.  

The study also talked about how success in SEO varies industry by industry, like websites related to law and politics saw a 38.45% CTR while websites related to science saw a 19.06% CTR within the same rankings. There was a 7.39% increase in CTR on law and politics sites, while a 6% CTR increase on education sites. There was a decline of 6.03% CTR on science-related while 1.39% CTR dropped on shopping sites on desktop and 1.96% on mobile.

This report talked about different patterns on mobile and desktop. Even though there was a decline in CTR for informational sites on desktop, it increased 1.81% on mobile. Similarly, there was a 2.28% increase of CTR on mobile for arts and entertainment, while a 1.01% drop in CTR on desktop sites. Queries with single words got a 2% increase in CRT on mobile while queries with four or more Keyes saw a CTR decline on desktop.

Mohamed Elarby

A tech blog focused on blogging tips, SEO, social media, mobile gadgets, pc tips, how-to guides and general tips and tricks

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